Finta's Ultimate Guide To Fundraising

Finta’s Step By Step Guide to Startup Fundraising
Finta’s Step By Step Guide to Startup Fundraising

As a company, we want to help you create the best deal possible to help your business succeed with fundraising. We know how difficult it can be to get everything together on your own without guidance. So with this guide, we provide you with Finta’s step-by-step guide to fundraising. All the way from propose,  to close.


  • Prepare Deal Information
  • Your Data Room & Cap Table
  • Prospect Target Investors
  • Sharing your Deal with Investors
  • Creating your Finta Deal Room
  • Measuring Your Funnel


Preparing Deal Information:

One of the most important parts of knowing how to fundraise is preparing accurate deal information. Keeping your information organized can allow for an efficient fundraising process. We provide you with a simple checklist to give you smooth sailing when creating your Pitch Deck, building your financial projections, and defining a cap table as well as a data room. With this completed, investors are able to easily navigate and understand your company.

Prospect Target Investors:

Finding the right investors can be difficult, but choosing the right one can make a huge difference on your fundraising journey. Understanding how to find the right investor is important, and we emphasize this in our guidebook, teaching you the best possible ways you can locate the right investor for you and your business, whether it comes to an Angel or Venture Capital investor.

Creating your Deal Room & Sharing Deal with Investors :

Once you’ve prepared your Deal Room and targeted the best investors, the most vital part of fundraising is, of course, sharing your deal with investors. You know who you want to share your deal with, but making sure you have accurate information within your deal can allow ease for your company when attracting your investors. We teach you how to create your Finta Deal Room, and how easy it is to set up for investors to see everything they need to on your company! The best part is finally Publishing that deal, and we show how easy it is to create one.

Measuring your Funnel

Using the automated tracker we provide helps monitor your investment interactions. Where are your investors located throughout the deal? Have they committed? Have they viewed or are they interested in your deal? You’ll be able to find out and learn more about the investor tracker in the guidebook. Understanding how the investor tracker works is key to knowing whether an investor is wanting to commit to your deal or not.

All the information you need to know about Finta and how to use it for your fundraising process is all here!

You can now download the PDF Guide for free! With all the information needed to help your startup and easy step-by-step tutorials on how to best create your deal room, building a platform for fundraising has never been easier!