Introducing Finta A.I.

At Finta, we are always working on better ways to simplify the process of automating your fundraise, and now we’re revealing our latest feature… Finta Artificial Intelligence!

Introducing Finta A.I.

Finta A.I. automatically learns from your deal information, in order to help you drive your funnel forward. Simply publish your first deal room to start using Finta A.I.

To maximize the power of our A.I. we wanted to make sure we provided as much information into the model as possible. So Finta now also provides auto enrichment of your investor contacts. Automatically pre-filling in much of the investor information you would previously spend hours manually inputting.

Finta A.I. uses all of this information, powered by GPT-3’s 175 billion machine learning parameters, to build a completely personalized email for each specific investor in your funnel. Optimized specifically for the stage the investor is in, with the sole purpose of driving that conversation closer to closing.

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Head into your Investor Tracker and you’ll notice a green lightning bolt next to each Investor’s name with an email address and a deal assigned to them.

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Give it a click “⚡️” and Finta AI will generate a custom email specifically for that investor based on where they are in your funnel!

This is just the beginning of Finta A.I. and we are very excited for its future potential.

If you have any questions on Finta A.I. or would like to see a complete demo of the product, hit the intercom chat button on the bottom right of the page. We’re always here to help!